How to Beat the Bosses Episode 1: L.A. Meltdown There's a very simple way to beat the boss in Episode 1. When you enter the room where he's hiding, go in a very short distance and then immediately back out before the door closes behind you. If helps a lot to take steroids before you enter. Re-enter the room, and this time the door stays open. Lure the boss toward the door, and run out into the circular room; the boss will get stuck, and you can leisurely pump missiles into him from a distance. He'll manage to get a few shots off at you, but if you've made it this far, you shouldn't have any problems. Episode 2: Lunar Apocalypse Here's one submitted by Stefan Marx - First, get all the stuff lying in the last room, the one with all the eggs and exploding things in it. Then walk to the big, fat door at the one end of the room and move backwards very fast. The boss will now come into the room. Shoot some rockets to him to get his interest ;-). Then run to the hole in the wall (it is on your left side when you face the door. Go through the hole and down into the water. It will be useful to put a Holoduke outside the hole. The Boss will come to the hole and try to kill you, but he can't reach you. So you can send him to hell without any risk. Pipebombs are perfect to do this but rockets work too. Episode 3: Shrapnel City Here's one submitted by Dan White - First, If you shoot the blimp that hovers over the stadium, it serves as a pinata full of useful items. Second, If you use a jetpack and fly high enough, the Boss can't get an exact shot, and there isn't a wall close enough for him to ricochet a blast at you, but you can shoot him. He dies pretty easily. Of course, you do need a jetpack for the trick to work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------